

Meditation sessions customized for your particular wants and needs; mind, body & soul..

Mediation is a vital way to purify and quiet the mind, thus rejuvenating the body.
— Deepak Chopra

More than just ignoring thoughts.

In-fact, meditation is not really about ignoring your thoughts at all. It is about cultivating awareness to your thoughts, feelings, emotions, as well as self-discovery and self-elevation. Meditation has long been a practice of Buddhist monks on the road to enlightenment, dating as far back as 1500 BCE. Only recently has it become a mainstream modality making waves in the United States, and with that, there have been many misinterpretations of what meditation is and what it can be used for.


There are various benefits of meditation ranging from pain management to elevated joyfulness. Here is just a short list of the possible benefits you can experience:

  • Pain management

  • Elevated immunity

  • Decreased depression

  • Decreased anxiety

  • Increased self-awareness

  • Increased self-esteem and self-confidence

  • Decreased anger and resentment

  • Increased life satisfaction

  • Stress reduction

  • Increased focus

  • Better sleep

  • Improved memory

Are you ready to give yourself the gift of meditation?

Kelsey works with you to develop a personalized meditation plan that is built around your wants and needs, so each session is directed towards your meditative goals.


Whether you are looking to learn about meditation and start a meditative practice as a beginner, or you have a specific goal in mind, Kelsey can help. There are various forms of meditation and many tools can be used with meditation to deepen your practice- and increase. your health and wellness.

Tools included in personalized meditation plans:

  • Crystals

  • Chakra healing

  • Aroma Therapy

  • Sound Therapy (such as music and singing bowls)

Meditative Sessions are in packages of 4, 6, and 8 sessions. Single sessions are discouraged because meditation is a practice that takes time to cultivate. Sessions are 30 minutes in length, with the initial session lasting 45 minutes. All session are in-person at the Bloomingdale office.


4 Session Package- $300

6 Session Package- $450

8 Session Package- $600

If you are ready to start your wellness journey through personalized meditation, reach out today by filling out the form below!